Journal of Dentistry And Oral Implants

Journal of Dentistry And Oral Implants

Journal of Dentistry And Oral Implants

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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About The Journal

Overview of Journal of Dentistry and Oral Implants - JDOI

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Implants established as a reputable and respected publication, JDOI works to broadcast the newest studies and discoveries in prosthodontics and oral indications, with the aim of improving the quality of patients and oral health. Our open access, peer-reviewed process guarantees that only the best work is published, driving developments in Dentistry Research.

JDOI encourages the sharing of innovative ideas, research results, and evidence-based findings related to the advancements in dentistry and oral implantology, dentistry and oral implants, oral implantology, dentistry journals, dental research, oral implantology articles, dentistry and oral implants research, and dental implantology and related to dental medicine, clinical dentistry, experimental dentistry, dental clinics, oral and dental health, dental implants, dental practice, and dental science.  

Types of Articles

JDOI accepts articles in the field of dentistry and oral implant technology, including but not limited to clinical reviews, scientific studies, case reports, and theoretical articles.

Submission Guidelines

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Implants welcomes submissions from authors around the world. In order to ensure publication, authors adhere to our submission guidelines. First, please ensure that your paper follows a structured format. All submissions should include a title page with the following details: title, author names, affiliations, contact information, abstract, keyword list, and corresponding author information.

Submission Process

All submissions can be done through our Online Manuscript Submission System. Authors are requested to submit their articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission. If you have difficulty filling the online form, you can also send us via e-mail as an attachment to the Editorial Office.

Journal Indexing
  • ​JDOI is indexed in Google Scholar, Scilit, Research Bib, Crossref, Academic Keys, OCLC World cat, Global Impact Factor, etc.
  • Articles deposited in Science Gate, Semantic Scholar, Academia, OA mg
  • Articles will be deposited in Sherpa Romeo
  • If the research work is funded by NIH then the article will get indexed in PubMed.

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