Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Medicine

Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Medicine

Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Medicine

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

Submit Manuscript

About The Journal


Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Medicine (JRNM) is an open access journal focusing on radiation and nuclear medicine. It aims to provide an interdisciplinary platform for knowledge transfer in radiation and nuclear medicine, as well as to foster discussion among researchers and practitioners on these topics. JRNM is dedicated to the advancement of scientific knowledge on radiation and nuclear medicine and provides a great platform for the open access exchange of research and ideas.



JRNM main aim is to provide an ideal platform for discussions and sharing of ideas among professionals in the nuclear medicine community. Submissions are encouraged from professionals, researchers, clinicians and other scientists involved in the fields of radiation safety and nuclear medicine. JRNM provides a platform to share knowledge, exchange ideas and discuss the latest research findings, while also providing an opportunity to publish high quality research work that adheres to the required scientific and ethical standards. 


Submission Process:

All submissions can be done at our Online Manuscript Submission System. Authors are requested to submit their articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission. If you have difficulty in filling the online form, you can also send us via e-mail as an attachment to the Editorial Office [email protected] or “chat with us” by clicking the blue button at the left corner of the page.


Instructions for Authors:

Authors must adhere to the instructions provided in the guidelines for authors. These include preparing manuscripts according to the journal’s formatting style, providing clear and ensuring that all research is ethically conducted with full credibility. Authors are also responsible for obtaining permission for any copyrighted or previously published materials used in the submitted paper. Furthermore, authors must provide a list of sources and acknowledgments, and any potential conflicts of interests should be declared. 

Article Processing Charge:

Article Processing Charges to cover the cost of the publication and allow for wider access to the published works. This fee is charged to authors who wish to publish their research in the journal. All articles published under JRNM’s editorial policies are made available for public access without any subscription fee.


Peer Review:

JRNM is committed to a rigorous peer-review process that serves to ensure the quality of the research published in the journal. Every article is reviewed by three independent reviewers and is subject to editorial oversight. The journal also follows ethical publishing guidelines and maintains strict standards for the quality of the published works. 


Editorial Board:

JRNM is committed to providing high quality, timely, and relevant information to its readers. The journal maintains an expert editorial board, comprised of renowned specialists in the field and ensures that all submitted articles meet the highest scientific standards. It also showcases the latest research and developments in radiation safety and nuclear medicine topics by publishing concise and comprehensive review articles. 

  • Suk SH - Wonkwang University
  • Ryuya Yamanaka - Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  • Ciro Gabriele Mainolfi - University Federico II
  • Roberto Passera - San Giovanni Battista University Hospital
  • Basim Almayahi - University of Kufa
  • Varol Sahinturk - Eskisehir Osmangazi University
  • Qiang Li - Institute of Modern Physics
  • Suliman Salih - Taibah University
  • FUSAO IKAWA - Hiroshima University

Contact Us:

For any inquiries, please contact us via email.

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