Journal of Agronomy Research

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Journal of Agronomy Research - Soil Fertility


Agronomist/Soil Scientist

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Agbesi Keteku


CSIR-Crops Research Institute, P.O. Box 3785, Fumesua, Kumasi-Ghana.

Research Interests:

Agronomy, Cropping systems, Fertilizers, climate smart and sustainable agriculture, soil fertility management, cropping systems and sustainable food production in the face of Climate Change for food security


  • Agbesi Kwadzo Keteku, Patricia A Yeboah, Stephen Yeboah, Richard Dormatey, Kennedy Agyeman, Mavis B Brempong, Philip Ghanney, Samuel A Poku, Eric O Danquah, Felix Frimpong, Sylvester Addy, Franklin Bosompem, Habibah Aggrey. (2024). Plant Nutrition in Relation to Water-use Efficiency in Crop Production: A review. Agrica: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 17(1), 67-95.
  • Keteku AK., Amegbor IK., Frimpong F., Dormatey R., Blege P., Yeboah S., Agyeman K., Brempong MB., Aduse Poku S., Amankwaa-Yeboah P., Owusu Danquah E., Ghanney P., Addy S., Bosompem F., Aggrey H. (2024). Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Enhancing Rice Yield and Reducing Methane Emissions in Degraded Soils via Soil Amendments and Silicon Application. International Journal of Agronomy. 2024:13
  • Agyeman K, Brempong MB, Ofosu A, Danquah OE, Keteku AK, et al. (2023) Yield Potential of Improved Maize Achieved from Optimal Rates of YARA Crop Nutrition Fertilizers for Sustainable Maize Production in the Semi-Deciduous Forest Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana. Asian J Plant Sci Vol:13 No:8: 311. DOI:10.36648/2249-7412.13.8.311