Journal of Agronomy Research

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Journal of Agronomy Research -  Climate Change


Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University

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Vandna Chhabra


Birsa Agricultural University, SSAC

Research Interests:

Climate Change, Climate Modeling, Climate Science, Climate Variability, Climate


  • K Susmitha Reddy, Jatinder Singh, Vandna Chhabra (2021). Natural/synthetic edible coatings in Guava. International Journal of Botany Studies, 6(3), 342-347. 
  • Amritpal Singh, Kawaljeet Kaur, Ankita Bhakri, Manpreet Kaur and Vandna Chhabra (2021). Comparison of growth attributes in raised and flatbed methods of sowing on wheat. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 10(8), 822-825.
  • Vandna Chhabra (2020). Rice residue management methods and wheat yield in rice-wheat cropping system under central plains of Punjab. International Journal of Scientific Research, 9 (11), 1-3.
  • Jaskaran Singh and Vandna Chhabra (2020). Effect of herbicides application on growth and yield of mentha crop. International Journal of Scientific Research, 9 (9), 60-61.