Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

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Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology-Nanotechnology-José María Bermúdez


INIQUI -Universidad Nacional de Salta - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Argentina

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José María Bermúdez


Avenida Bolivia 5150 - C.P. 4400 - Salta - Argentina

Research Interests:

  • Nanotechnology
  • Pharmaceutical Engineering Development, formulation, and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals
  • Novel Drug Delivery Systems Controlled release systems and drug targeting


Development and in vitro evaluation of solid dispersions as strategy to improve albendazole biopharmaceutical behavior. Preparation and Characterization of Poloxamer 407 Solid Dispersions as an Alternative Strategy to Improve Benznidazole Bioperformance Nanotechnology applications in drug controlled release Therapeutic use of monoclonal antibodies: General aspects and challenges for drug delivery Acanthamoeba in the eye, can the parasite hide even more? Latest developments on the disease Validation of kinetic modeling of progesterone release from polymeric membranes New Trends in the Antimicrobial Agents Delivery Using Nanoparticles New trends, challenges, and opportunities in the use of nanotechnology in restorative dentistry Current drug therapy and pharmaceutical challenges for Chagas disease Development of a mechanism and an accurate and simple mathematical model for the description of drug release: Application to a relevant example of acetazolamide-controlled release from a bio-inspired elastin-based hydrogel Polymers in Ophthalmology Modeling of Progesterone Release from Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) Membranes Challenges and opportunities in polymer technology applied to veterinary medicine Hydatid Disease: Current Status of Chemotherapy and DrugH Delivery Systems Recent Advances in Thermosensitive Hydrogels as Drug Delivery Systems: A Review Thermosensitive poloxamer-based injectables as controlled drug release platforms for veterinary use: Development and in-vitro evaluation