Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

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Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology - Biophysics


University of the Pacific (San Francisco, California - USA), Biomedical Sciences

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Nejat Duzgunes


San Francisco, CA, 94103, USA

Research Interests:

DNA, Cancer Biology, Nanobiotechnology, Virology, Biophysics, Cancer Research, Microbiology, Nanoparticles, HIV, Cells


  • ‘Science by consensus’ impedes scientific creativity and progress: A simple alternative to funding biomedical research
  • Recent Strategies for Cancer Therapy: Polymer Nanoparticles Carrying Medicinally Important Phytochemicals and Their Cellular Targets
  • Photodynamic Therapy of Oral Cancer and Novel Liposomal Photosensitizers
  • Broadly neutralizing anti- HIV-1 antibodies do not inhibit HIV-1 Env-mediated cell-cell fusion