Wei Wang
1230 York Ave.
Research Interests:
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Population
- Genetics Transcriptomics
- RNA-Seq.
- Platelet TGF-β1 contributions to plasma TGF-β1, cardiac fibrosis, and systolic dysfunction in a mouse model of pressure overload
- Methylation of p15INK4b and expression of ANRIL on chromosome 9p21 are associated with coronary artery disease
- Plasma concentrations of osteopontin, but not thrombin-cleaved osteopontin, are associated with the presence and severity of nephropathy and coronary artery dise
- Effects of atorvastatin on progression of diabetic nephropathy and local RAGE and soluble RAGE expressions in rats
- Polymorphism on chromosome 9p21. 3 contributes to early-onset and severity of coronary artery disease in non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients.
- Elevation of ADAM10, ADAM17, MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression with media degeneration features CaCl2-induced thoracic aortic aneurysm in a rat model
- Chromosome 9p21. 3 polymorphism in a Chinese Han population is associated with angiographic coronary plaque progression in non-diabetic but not in type 2 dia...
- Association between shear stress and platelet-derived transforming growth factor-β1 release and activation in animal models of aortic valve stenosis
- Spatiotemporal expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is regulated by the Ca2+-signal transducer S100A4 in the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysm
- LNK/SH2B3 loss of function promotes atherosclerosis and thrombosis.