@article{Philip201715 title = "Government Sponsored Health Insurance Coverage and Out-of-Pocket Spending Among Elderly in Kerala: A Cross-Sectional Study", journal = "Journal Of Aging Research And Healthcare", volume = "2", number = "1", pages = "15 - 27", year = "2017", note = "", issn = "2474-7785", doi = "https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2474-7785.jarh-17-1489", url = "https://jndc-chemistryarticles.infojarh/article/487", author = "NE Philip and TKS Ravindran", keywords = "Elderly", keywords = "Health Care Utilization", keywords = "Out-of-Pocket Spending", keywords = "Health Insurance", keywords = "Coverage", keywords = "RSBY", keywords = "CHIS", keywords = "Hospitalization", keywords = "Universal Health Care" }