TY - JOUR T1 - Targeting Mutational Landscape of TP53 in patients diagnosed with Oral Cancer living in Senegal JO - Journal of Cancer Genetics And Biomarkers VL - 1 IS - 4 SP - 22 EP - 32 PY - 2022/4// T2 - AU - SARR, Pierre Diaga AU - TOURE, Silly AU - EL, FAHIME Elmostafa AU - DIOP, Jean Pascal Demba AU - BA, Seydi Abdoul AU - DIA, Yacouba AU - MBENGUE, Babacar AU - SYLLA-NIANG, Maguette AU - DIEYE, Alioune AU - NDIAYE-DIALLO, Rokhaya SN - 2572-3030 DO - https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2572-3030.jcgb-22-4121 UR - https://jndc-chemistryarticles.infojcgb/article/1787 KW - TP53 gene KW - Genomic variant KW - Senegal KW - Oral cancers KW - susceptibility KW - ER -